5 tips for getting your rental application approved

The property market is fierce. Whether you’re looking to rent in Sydney or beyond, it’s becoming more and more normal for inspections to last only 15 minutes, and to be greeted by a long line of other people competing for the same property when you arrive. Here are 8 helpful tips for getting your rental application approved.
Show up on time
Successful agents often have a number of properties open for inspection on any given weekend and they don’t always have time to wait around for you if you’re running late. Do your best to plan for the weekend traffic and show up on time. This way you won’t miss out on seeing the property, or keep anyone waiting.
Have your application ready
Most agents will start assessing rental applications on the Monday or Tuesday after a Saturday inspection. Property owners are often eager to get tenants in ASAP so they don’t lose money by having their property empty. Read up on the documents required for a Tenancy Application and make sure you have everything ready to go beforehand. Your application and all supporting documents should be emailed to the agent on the Sunday after an inspection at the latest. This will give you the greatest chance of securing the property.
Introduce yourself
It is the agent’s job to find a decent tenant for the property who will pay the rent on time, not hold loud parties and keep the property well looked after. Make a good impression by introducing yourself to the agent and having a quick chat. When they have dozens of applications to sort through after the inspection, this might just help you to stand out.
Have a deposit ready
Once you have been approved for the property, you will be required to pay the deposit to secure the property while you are waiting to sign the lease. Ask the agent what amount this is likely to be so you have it ready to go when required. This will ensure everything runs smoothly and you are ready to go as soon as possible.
Answer your phone
If the agent is considering approving your application, they may have some questions they need to ask you throughout the process. Agents typically work business hours and will call you while you’re at work, so do your best to excuse yourself if this happens and take the call. If an agent can’t get a hold of you to arrange a lease signing, they may have no choice but to give the property to someone else.
Even though finding a property can be a daunting experience, it will all be worth it once your things are moved in and you have a brand new space to call home! Soho Property Group has rental properties popping up all the time so if we can help with anything, just give one of our friendly agents a call.